Have you ever thought about changing your attitude as a way of managing stress?

Quote by Hans Selye Changing a stressful situation is often out of our realm of control, and we can’t change how other people think or make people behave differently. There are some situations we have no ability to ‘fix’. Just as blasting the horn and banging on the steering wheel isn’t going to make the traffic move any faster. Some things are not within our power to control. We do however, have the choice of how we are going to respond to any stressful situation. Attitude is a choice Every morning you wake up, you get to decide which attitude you will choose for the day. You can choose a negative attitude or a positive one. It’s your choice. To get you thinking about it, let me share with you one thing I’ve discovered in my life which I know to be true. Negativity attracts negativity. When you go into your day expecting things to go wrong, they probably will. Conversely the opposite is also true, a positive attitude seems ...