5 Ways to Deal With Difficult People In Your Workplace

Is there someone in your workplace who frustrates you so much you just want to scream? Someone who constantly rubs you up the wrong way? We usually can’t choose the people we work with, so we think it’s just our bad luck we’ve ended up working with a difficult person. But surprise, surprise, we change our work place and find yet again, another difficult person to deal with. The reality is, we can’t avoid the know-it-all, the aggressive person, the procrastinator, someone closed to new ideas, or people we define as difficult, they are everywhere. So how do we handle that difficult person at work? 1. Don’t take it personally Their behaviour is about them it’s not about you. Keep it professional. You are both employed to do a job, try to keep your focus on the work or the tasks you have to share and not on the person you are having the problem with. 2. Be aware Try to define exactly where the problem areas are and where you clash. Being aware of t...