3 Ways To Reduce Stress When Things Don't Go To Plan At Work

Be prepared for the times at work when things don't go plan.... The best laid plans, of mice and men, will often go astray - Robert Burns Has this happened to you? I was just about to start a workshop with a great training organisation recently and my lap top decided it was a good time to do updates! A lesson learnt on improvisation.. It got me thinking in more ways than one. Life and work seldom runs according to plan and often throws a curved ball or two. How well we do in those circumstances will depend largely on our ability to adapt or improvise. To reduce stress at these times, try the following: 1. Be flexible Flexibility is evident in employees who easily adapt to changes in the workplace. They are the ones who are willing to step outside of their job description should the situation require it and take on other tasks and responsibilities to accomplish organisational goals. It works both ways of course. Flexibility in manage...